Re-connecting kids with nature

This is the third year in a row where we've had an amazing time planting trees with school children from all over the Forest area as part of DEFRA’s 1 million tree scheme - which aims to get the trees in the ground by 2020, engaging children from state primary schools in the planning and planting of new woodlands. There are only 20 schools within the Forest of Marston Vale but we had proportionally the highest take up of all of the UK’s Community Forests!

It has been a very memorable week and one I am sure over 300 children and adults will remember for a long time. Thank you for organising and ordering all the little trees ( I can’t believe nearly 1500 were planted!) and for all your hard work and dedication in helping to make our school environment so much better for our children and for all the generations to come! We look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.

Heather Burry - Teacher at Wootton Lower School

We’ll be carrying on this tree planting season so if you’re a school that’s interested in getting on board with the scheme and getting stuck into planting some trees, you can apply here.

For more information or to talk about how your school can get more involved in the Forest of Marston Vale, call Jo on 01234 762608 or send her an email.