He that plants trees loves others besides himself

Dr Thomas Fuller

3-2-1-Go-Running, was set up in 2018 by Dean and Fiona Newman with the aim of getting people running longer and further, at their own pace by organising inclusive events for all types of runners/walkers. They really care about the planet and follow a vegan lifestyle and specifically organise smaller events so that they have less of an impact on the environment and use bio-degradable cups, whilst encouraging runners to bring their own bottles to fill up at their aid stations. They will be donating £5 per runner from every race held in the Forest, to help us plant more trees.

We are so happy to be partnered with Forest Of Marston Vale and donating £5 per runner to them every race we hold there, knowing that the Forest of Marston Vale is making the environment a better place for people and wildlife. By doing this we are helping them to  reach their goal of planting 5 million trees. 

Dean and Fiona Newman